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Victoria Wragg's Background

I have been truly fortunate to travel around the world with my family from the age of 5 years old. I experienced life in a way that transformed my awareness of the many different cultures and ways of life. This viewpoint and tolerance has been a guiding principle in my life.

Some of my first drawings when I lived in the U.K., Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore and U.S.A were of willow trees, bees, flowers, people, tigers and cheetahs. My continuing love of animals and nature. My artistic style has changed over time into my current semi-abstract expressionist style.

Painted with Chinese watercolour on rice paper

I attended 9 different schools in 5 different countries between the ages of 6-16 years old. I maintained an A average throughout all of the changes, and finally graduated high school with Honor's in the States. I went to University at 16 years old and graduated when I was 20 years old with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree achieving the the Dean's List in my last year from the University of Illinois.

My experience also includes successful careers in running a 2,500 membership association, international events management (lots of travel), setup and startup of new organizations, advising students, creating promotional material and newsletters, modeling and acting in films/TV.

Why do I paint?

I paint from a sense of joy and wonder in our world.

Early Works

One of my treasured memories was the very first time I painted with acrylics ("Mountains" below); Mr. Foo, my teacher in Singapore, unknown to me framed my canvas and kindly entered me into art competition at the Singapore Ministry of Culture. I won an award of merit.

"Tiger" by V Wragg at 9 yrs old

"Mountains" by V Wragg at 14 yrs old




Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Art History, University of Illinois, Illinois - Dean's List.

Additional courses in:

Contract Law, Public Law, Property Law (Nottingham Trent University, U.K. CPE level)

Accounting and Basic Book keeping (BPP House, U.K., CMA level )

Artist’s Entrepreneur Workshop: covering Contracts, Marketing, Legal aspects, Networking, Small Business Advice (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Self Employed Artist related Contractors for Hire (SEARCH) (B.C. Alliance for Arts and Culture).

United States:

Life Drawing, Object Drawing, Colour Theory, Perspective, Sumi-E (Japanese ink painting) Art History courses: Greek, Modern, Abstract Expressionism, Impressionists, Fauvism, Chinese Art, American Art

Hong Kong:

Oil painting, chinese ink brush painting

United Kingdom:

Painting (City Lit, London - 2 years), Etching (Kew Studios, London)


Stained Glass, Acrylics (Vancouver Community College); Russian Iconography with egg tempera (Vancouver Academy of Art & Capilano College); water colour with Arleta Pech (VAA); photo-transfer, water-based silk screen printing and Tibetan Thangka painting (Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design)

In pursuit of personal and artistic growth I have enjoyed taking courses to raise my awareness and creative connection with the universe. Weekend workshops in:

Vibrational, and Crystal Healing and Massage technique (twice), Pyramid energy, Soul numbers and Egyptian Astrology by Dr. Sharon Forrest (well known healer and psychic)

Animal Communication course by Amelia Kinkade (the well known animal psychic and best selling author), 4-day workshop at Hollyhock on Cortes Island, B.C.

Tellington Touch in Gibsons, B.C.

Basic Shamanism and Shamanic Divination Workshops with Leslie Conton. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

I am an avid reader and find Don Miguel Ruiz's "Four Agreements" and Don Jose Ruiz's "Fifth Agreement" inspirational books.

Other Information

I have been a commissioned artist for gifts, created brochures, wrote and edited newsletters.

Art Exhibitions

Laura K. Jewitt Design Inc., 4469 W. 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 1T9

Garden Party, 3687 W. 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 1P2


Photography and Paintings by Victoria Wragg, © 2008 . All rights reserved.

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